Wednesday 30 December 2009

Overview of 2009 and hopes for 2010

A White-tailed Eagle, taken at a Conservation and Rescue centre in the Lake District over the summer. It's a symbol of strength and hope and restoration (Is 40:30-31) and kinda what I want to have in mind going into 2010.

So....progress for 2009, below is a graphical summary

Essentially, things are improving but extremely slowly. Looking at the average daily exercise (orange line through orange circles), during the first 6 months, I was doing approx. 10 mins a day. This increased to approx. 25 mins per day during the latter 6 months (apart from the blip last week).

Aims/hopes for 2010:
  • Increase weekly walking to 300 minutes
  • Get to a point where I can comfortably sustain 30 minutes cycling per week
  • Reduce (and hopefully eliminate) hip and back pain
  • Feel an improvement in the stability and strength of my shoulders (although the pain may take 18 months to settle down).
  • Get the average daily exercise up to 50 minutes
Finally, for a couple of years now I've been wanting to get involved in a racket sport. Badminton or Table Tennis seem like the best options due to my strength limitations. Table Tennis is probably the best place to start as it requires the least amount of strength and agility (relatively speaking).'s to finding a place to do that in 2010.

And...that's about it....

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