Tuesday 22 December 2009

NHS Physio - Sixth/Last Session

In homage to the mighty snowfall here, we have a lone Blue Tit in the expanse of snow (again, in my garden). It also kinda represents how I feel about dealing with the severe deconditioning....lonely, cold and 'up against it', lol.

Anyways, braved the 12+ inches of snow to make it to the hospital for my shoulder physio session this morning. She checked the range of movement and essentially concluded that there's not a great deal of improvement. It was my 6th and therefore last physio session with the NHS. I was advised to continue with the daily exercises for a few more months and then reassess what can be done.

My hips/back are going through a painful phase again. LHS lower back tightness/pain, left and right hip stabiliser pain, and RHS front of hip pain/tightness. After Christmas I think I need to go back to daily physio exercises again for my hips/core.

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