Wednesday 2 December 2009

LHS lower back tightness/pain

It's the same old problem....On Sunday, I managed another 27 minutes on the exercise bike, taking care not to aggravate the RHS groin/inner thigh strains. It went fairly well. Only slight twinges through the groin, which I iced immediately afterwards. However, the LHS of my lower back started to ache pretty soon after I got off the bike and by the afternoon/evening it was well and truly painful (which wasn't unusual really!)! However, it's remained tight/in spasm ever since and 50 minutes walk into/around town yesterday only made it worse.

I went to my hydro session this morning but the LHS of my lower back limited what I could do. I ended up spending more time floating on my back, doing flutter kicks. It's so frustrating. The past 8 months of hydrotherapy are supposed to have strengthened my core enough to prevent this type of back problem. I don't understand why I'm still experiencing the same muscle spasms/injuries over and over again. Tired and in pain this afternoon.

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