Sunday 6 December 2009

Sundays are bike days...

Still nursing a tight/painful LHS lower back and if it hadn't been for that, the rather tender and restricted left shoulder and arm, strains round my ribs and the tight RHS groin, I would have dug my bike out of the mess in the garage and been out in the glorious sunshine this morning. It was sooo tempting.

As it was, I thought I'd gently try the exercise bike. I decided I'd stop every 5 minutes to stretch and massage the affected back muscle and just see how it went. Generally, it felt great. Only mild twinges through the RHS groin/inner thigh and no left hip pain (which is always significant). Anyway, I managed the full 27 minutes and then immediately stretched everything out and applied heat to my back. The problematic muscle is tight and painful but I'm hoping it's no worse than it was before.

I'm looking forward to a time when I'm not having to constantly manage injuries in a way that enables me to keep up the rehab.

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