Friday 4 December 2009

What's worse...

.....the only thing worse than a recurring, chronic injury is.....a new injury. Yesterday was one of those tearful days where I wonder why I'm bothering to work so hard. More than a year of physiotherapy, hydrotherapy and general conditioning and I still manage to injure myself being shown a new (easy) physio exercise. This one is supposed to strengthen the scapular stabilisers using a more ecologically valid movement. Essentially, it's retracting the scapular (engaging the lower trapezius muscle), bringing the arm out in front and rotating a ball on the wall clockwise/anticlockwise 3 times (see Exercise #3 Ball on the Wall here: Link). That's all. At the time, it felt extremely difficult and a few hours later I realised I'd strained the little muscles through the ribs round to the back, under the scapular. By the evening, my shoulders and arms had that familiar post-physio deep, gnawing ache. I'd already iced the shoulder earlier to ease the tendon pain.

Everything is still achy and tender this morning so I guess I'll need to get the technician to knead my clay in pottery this afternoon. Hey Ho...

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