Wednesday 30 December 2009

Last Hydro session of 2009

Today's image is a Barn Owl taken in the summer at a Conservation and rescue centre in the Lake District. I'm hoping that in 2010 I'll have the opportunity to see one of these beauties in the wild.

I finally made it back to the pool this morning for a hydrotherapy session. I'd not been for 3 weeks so was a bit nervous about how my body would cope. For the most part, it went ok: I felt a bit tired/weak towards the end, the LHS lower back tightness/pain was aggravated from the outset and my left shoulder was painful/restricted so had to reduce exercises on that. As ever, it really is the LHS lower back and left hip which are the limiting factor. If they didn't hurt, I could comfortably do (and enjoy!) more.

Yesterday, I got back to doing the shoulder physio exercises. I've also decided to make a concerted effort to again do the hip/core daily physio but keep it down to 6 reps on each of the 8 exercises. It's the only way I can see of targeting the back and hip problems. Muscles take 12 weeks to train so I'll give it 3 months and then go back to my GP if there's no improvement. By that time I'll have also completed the year of hydrotherapy and will be in a strong position to demand more help, expertise etc from the NHS.

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