Wednesday 25 November 2009

Hydro - 8 months, done! of today, I've completed the 'prescribed' total of 8 months of weekly hydrotherapy. Unfortunately there was no miraculous 'getting better' or even a sense of 'now that's done my muscles and joints will function healthily'. Shame it doesn't work like that, lol.

The RHS groin/front of hip strain/tightness (whatever it is!) was still around and I suspect that any kind of use of the hip aggravates it. I didn't do any walking backwards/forwards in the pool but I did do a few minutes of flutter kicks on my back which felt good. I probably pushed it too far and I guess my hips will complain but I was really struggling to stop myself from 'letting rip' today. Sometimes the urge to get some decent exercise is hard to resist even if it does mean I strain a few muscles in the process. I cannot wait until I can actually do some hard graft cardio exercise!

My left shoulder was pretty sore after physio yesterday. I knew it would be. She wanted to feel what was happening in the joint at the ends of the restricted range of motion. It was excruciatingly painful. At one point I jumped so much from the sudden pain that she practically had to scrape me off the ceiling! Anyways, the new exercise now is one where I'm mobilising the joint myself. You basically stick a small rolled up towel under the armpit and then pull the arm across your body thus levering it 'out of' the joint. Mmmm....

My LHS lower back was very tight/achy yesterday and walking produced pain in the left hip stabiliser. Oh for the day when something actually gets better, lol!

I've decided I will carry on the pool work for another 4 months and then assess injuries/pain/progress.

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