Saturday 16 May 2009

Stiffness and Bicep Tendonitis

Yup, felt very stiff yesterday after the hydrotherapy, especially in my hips and legs. It was good stiffness though - that sort-after 'delayed onset muscle soreness' (DOMS) (link). I made sure I stretched out the stiff muscles and generally rested. Today, the stiffness is subsiding.

Unfortunately, my impinged left shoulder is consistently problematic. After a bit of research, one of the symptoms is definitely bicep tendonitis, specifically affecting the short head which passes along the front of the humeral head and attaches to the coracoid process on the scapula.

For more information on bicep tendonitis see: link

I guess all I can do is rest and ice it, which is thoroughly annoying since I need to strengthen various surrounding muscles in order for the impingement of the shoulder to resolve! Maybe part of the reason for the inflammation is the stretching of the tendon as the scapula is retracted during the strengthening exercises....who knows...

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