Thursday 14 May 2009


4th session today in the hospital hydrotherapy pool. I found it surprisingly tiring. My muscles just didn't seem to be up to the job - they felt very tired and fatigued quickly. I've aggravated the right abdominal muscle strain....again! Since the session, it's been difficult to use various big muscles without causing them to go into cramps/spasm. My hamstrings are tired...everything's tired! I'm a little concerned that my muscles really aren't refuelling properly or able to metabolise exertion properly. I think I need to monitor this to make sure it isn't getting progressively worse rather than showing the expected improvement in stamina.

Below, is a picture from the internet to give an idea of how the hydro works - we use 'woggles' (foam, roller floats) to help provide buoyancy and target particular muscle groups:

The water is very warm (34 degs?) which means that the muscles are supple and receive a good blood supply, further reducing pain and stiffness and injury.

Post Script 12 April 2013: For a detail description of the hydrotherapy routine I did, please see

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