Tuesday 12 May 2009

Overdone it

It's a recurring problem. I think I can 'just manage one more' and I strain something. Yesterday, I upped my bike time to 8.5 mins (rather than the planned 8 minutes) and then later did 32 wall squats (as apposed to the planned 30), 14 single leg calf raises, 9 reps with the leg theraband and a few stretches (lunges, piriformis and psoas stretches).

This morning, I've woken up with stinging strains at the crest of my pelvis on the RHS of my back. I guess it's strains of the thoracolumbar fascia(?). Plus, mild MCL strains on my both knee. I knew I'd done those during the squats.

My left shoulder was extremely painful yesterday evening. Pain radiating down my arm. I did some 'tennis ball' massage on the trigger points (link) on my scapula but ouch! it hurt. Will rest everything for the next 2 days before hydrotherapy on Thursday.

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