Tuesday 19 May 2009

Food, food, food

I've been trying to keep my calorie intake up to at least 2000 cals per day, and, for the last week, up to 2300 cals per day. But, I'm perpetually stuffed! I am having to force myself to eat and I'm not enjoying it. My appetite and body work fantastically well at desiring and consuming only what's sufficient for my needs. I'm one of those lucky people who can eat what they like, doesn't have the urge to over eat and never really has to worry about calories. Except now....when I'm trying to 'bulk up', I'm watching every single one!

The aim is to eat around 70-100g protein per day, 250-290g carbs (of which 90g-100g sugars) and 70g fat (of which 20g saturated). Based on my age, gender, build, weight, activity level, etc, I should gain about 0.5lb in weight a week if I eat at least 2000 cals per day. I used this calculator if anyone's interested. I wish it was possible to tell the calories to go and build muscle (rather than the likely alternative of depositing the excess fuel in fat!). Ah well.

Mostly taken it easy today. Wore the ankle weights for a couple of hours and did a little bit of gardening. My lower back and left hip ache and my left shoulder is painful/achy.

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