Tuesday 30 April 2013

Neck & Tooth & Rehab on hold

Catchy title....not. I thought I had better post an update to round out the month. Ups and downs over the past 12 days or so. The compulsory group meeting at the Job Centre was somewhat disorientating. It certainly wasn't geared towards those who have degree level intelligence and/or intense motivation to get well and back to work. I guess it's a case of having to cater for all shapes and sizes, as it were. Anyway, I found the whole thing very depressing and annihilating (I had no idea how I fitted in to their perception of people or society. It was all very bizarre and like being plunged into a parallel universe that I didn't recognise). I thought I had weathered it quite well but then spent the weekend struggling with extreme anxiety, not wanting to leave the house and feeling completely drained (sleeping on both Saturday and Sunday afternoon before also sleeping through the nights). The group meeting is being followed up by the government's "Work Programme", run by private sector companies. I won't post about that on this blog but suffice to say it is effecting my life and I only hope it won't completely derail me from my goals to be fit and well.

On the Monday, I made myself go for a swim in spite of feeling anxious and drained. It is the one thing which I know reduces my anxiety levels and clears my head. I find the water soothing but, most of all, the repetitive strokes and controlled breathing are what really ground me. I only did 40 lengths (1km) but felt better for it.

After 2 physio treatments for my right cricked neck and a sport's massage of the soft tissue around the neck, it is essentially no better. On top of that, my right upper wisdom tooth has decided to come through and is catching on the back of my jaw. It is excruciatingly painful to eat and difficult to talk/laugh etc. I went to the dentist yesterday and he's put me on a 5-day course of antibiotics in the hope that it is just an infected gum (where the tooth has been rubbing). If the treatment doesn't work then the tooth will need to be removed. The antibiotics are making me sleepy/tired. And, of course, I have my bone scan this week at the hospital. All in all, physical rehab has taken a bit of a back seat at that moment and I shall be very glad when this week is over.

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