Thursday 4 April 2013

60 Lengths (1500 metres) Swim + Right Hip

I tried doing some massage and manipulation with a tennis ball on the upper most part of my back on Monday. My aim was to bring some relief to the right crick neck which I've had for over 10 weeks and which is effecting my right shoulder. I woke up Tuesday morning with a noticeable improvement in symptoms. I'd say it was 50% better and I felt optimistic. I decided I'd try a swim on the Wednesday. I had been staying away from the pool, not wanting to aggravate and reinforce the muscle problems, waiting until they were sorted out or resolved until I went back. However, I was fed up with waiting.

So, Wednesday, I hit the pool. I managed 60 lengths in about 55 mins (stopping for 20 seconds or so every 2 lengths). I could have done the extra 4 lengths to make it a mile but I didn't feel like celebrating. My right crick neck felt worse and it had caused discomfort in the connections to the right scapular. Also, the upper/inner right thigh was uncomfortable and I was concerned about that. From length 40 onwards, I was battling cramp in my feet, swimming a number of lengths with my feet/toes locked into a solid/cramped position. They've felt rather stiff and crampy today, unsurprisingly!

All in all, I was very pleased to hit the 60 length mark and I didn't feel too "hung over" with exhaustion this morning (although I did feel tired this afternoon and was happy to have a quiet one in front of the telly). The right upper/inner thigh discomfort has continued and is painful when walking on it (connected to the right hip problems). Interestingly, I had a phone call from the GP surgery yesterday, asking me to make an appointment with my GP to discuss my hip Xray. I'm guessing that means they've found something otherwise surely they'd just say it was clear. As you can imagine, all sorts of things have gone through my head. On the one hand, I'd like them to find the problem and fix it! On the other hand, I'm hoping the haven't found some other problems, totally unrelated to the hip, which I wasn't even aware of! I will find out on Monday morning....

So, tired today, generally, and the right hip/upper/inner thigh has been painful. Both shoulders/neck are twingey/needing treatment. The second phase of the shoulder physio is uncomfortable. Plus, I'm not sure the right abdominal problem is completely healed up - it did feel slighting twingey today.

Roll on some warmer weather!

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