Wednesday 17 April 2013

Right Cricked Neck & Left Shoulder Restriction Returns

It's just over a week since I swam the mile. The days following it, I was pretty tired but functioning. The main issue was the right upper/inner thigh and butt pain when walking. It persisted to the point of limiting my activities - on a number of days I had to cut short walks and go home because I could barely walk on the hip any longer, it was too painful. Surprisingly, over the past 3 days, the pain has subsided and walking has been almost pain-free. It'll be interesting to see what happens after a return to the gym or pool.

The improvement in the left shoulder, external rotation, range of movement, was short-lived. It lasted a matter of days, progressively getting worse and returning to its original restricted range. On a positive note, it does show me that the shoulder is capable of normal functioning. It's just a case of finding that nerve or muscle which obviously has some control or impingement issue.

I finally gave in and made an appointment with the private physio to sort out the right cricked neck, which I've had for 13 weeks. It's painful on rotation and tilting the head to the effected side. I kept hoping it would resolve on its own. It also meant I stayed away from the gym and was reluctant to swim because I didn't really want to reinforce the muscle/nerve dysfunction. Anyway, the physio spent a good 30 mins on it today so we'll see whether that does the trick.

No gym or pool this week. I wanted to get my neck sorted out and then I've got a compulsory meeting at the Job Centre tomorrow for an hour, followed by NHS physio for my left shoulder on Friday. Basically, I didn't want to be exhausted for the Job Centre. I know I'll be very anxious about it and need all my energy to cope.

Bone Scan letter arrived today. Booked in for first week of May. Results 2 weeks after that.

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