Monday 8 April 2013

Hip Xray Results + Sudden Left Shoulder Improvement

Ok, so I missed the gym on Friday. My muscles were still tired from the swim on Wednesday and I didn't want to aggravate the right crick neck and right hip problems any further. Today, I headed to the GP for my hip Xray results...

Basically, the joints are in good order. No signs of wear and tear. However, there is a 13mm bone lesion on the outside of the greater trochanter on the left hip. That didn't come as any great surprise as I've had intermittent, sharp pain in that region for about 5 years (although see Post Script below *). I put it down to a tendon getting inadvertently trapped or something, causing the momentary intense pain. It wasn't a constant source of discomfort and for most of the time, it doesn't hurt. But, when I do catch it, it is a 10 on the pain scale for sure! Anyway, the docs obviously want to check it out so it's a bone scan and more blood tests next. As to the far more painful and limiting right hip further forward, except that I suppose we know it isn't bone related.

On a completely different note, I suddenly realised today that my left shoulder had improved quite considerably. For years, external rotation has been very limited and painful. Today, the range of motion seems to have increased by a good 10-15 degrees! It's bonkers. For the last 4+ years, there's been no improvement in that area and then today, suddenly, it's improved. It might be down to the tennis ball, pulsing massages I've been doing on my upper spine/lower neck to try to release the right crick neck and right scapular. I have also been doing the thoracic spine stretches and the very simple NHS prescribed physio exercises. Somewhere along the line, one of those things is/has helped (along with perhaps the swimming). Long may the improvement continue and last!

* Post Script 17/04/2013. The private physio pointed out where the outer edge of the greater trochanter is and I was mistaken. I don't think I've ever had any pain there which makes it all the more likely the bone lesion is absolutely nothing to worry about - perhaps I gave the hip a good bash at some point in the past. Who knows...

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