Monday 1 April 2013

Coldest Easter on Record + Update

Ok, it's been just over 2 weeks since I checked in here. Most of that was spent doing the daily shoulder and hip physio and staying away from the pool/gym. I had my second NHS physio appt for my left shoulder. I tentatively asked her if she wouldn't mind working on my right crick neck as I'd had it for 10 weeks. Thankfully, she agreed to that. Some minor improvement but it's basically still painful and restricted. In terms of what she did for my shoulder...she checked the two main ranges of motion (bringing arms out to the side, up above head; bringing arms out in front, up above head) and did 6 quick releases on my thoracic spine. I came away feeling thoroughly depressed - no idea how any of that is going to help with the external rotation restriction and armpit impingement. Very disappointing. In the 15 minutes I was with her, she did more work on my neck than my shoulder.

I've also had the xray on my right hip and will get the results later this week. I finally went to have my "fasting" blood tests last week, checking for various things which will no doubt all come back fine. I am expecting the xray to come back fine too. I think the issue is neuromuscular rather than to do with bone abnormalities.

I did go to the gym on Monday 25th basically to have a good walk on the treadmill. The weather has been freezing cold and I couldn't face a long walk in the strong NE winds. Whilst there, I took the opportunity to try some loaded trunk twists and coped well (10 reps 1.1kg; 2 x 10 reps 3.4kg). The main issue seems to be the mid/right back rather than the right abdomen.

To top off a freezing cold March, we then had the coldest Easter on record. It doesn't look like it's going to warm up any time soon. I am fed up with being cold!

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