Saturday 16 March 2013

Tweaked My Bad Right Hip

On Friday, I was crouching down to take a photograph and felt an intensely painful 'pulling' down the inside of my inner right thigh, deep in the leg. I 'ignored' it and carried on. Crouched again and went to walk sideways in that crouched/squat position and found it was excruciatingly painful. In trying to stand up, I felt intense pain through the hip and down my inner thigh. I could barely move the hip without inducing pain. I realised that as long as I kept my movements simple and slow, I could walk back to the car. It didn't cause pain to put weight through the hip, it was only if I moved it in a certain way. Anyway, got back to the car, carefully put my right leg into the car and drove home. Once home, it took a great deal of careful manoeuvring to get my right leg out of the car without inducing excruciating pain.

The problem through the hip is still there today. I have to be extremely careful not to catch it in a certain way. I had dreams last night in which I had an injured/useless foot. I was screaming in agony and begging someone to amputate it because I knew (in the dream) I could then get a new one put on(!). In the dream I was desperate to get rid of the disabling foot and get on with my life. I couldn't stand it any more. And, that's kinda how I feel. I am so fed up with this hip problem. I want to be free of it! I went to the private physiotherapist at the beginning of August last year because I was fed up with the hip. It's now nearly 8 months later and still no improvement or diagnosis. Meanwhile, my life slips on by...

If the hip still has the same problems on Monday, I will arrange another physio appointment and see if we can get to the bottom of what's going on.

No gym session today because of the numerous and various niggles and injuries. Essentially, everything down my right side is problematic: right crick neck (9 weeks and counting!), right rotator cuff muscle problems, right abdominal/mid back problems and right hip problems. No point in going to the gym if I can't actually do anything!

Flipping fed up.

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