Sunday 20 May 2012

Surprising Improvement

I didn't need to take paracetamol last night for painful right hip structures. In fact, by the end of the day, I didn't have any right hip pain (I had iced my butt during the afternoon)??!?! Today, I've been free from right hip/groin pain for the first time after an exercise session in probably 4 years! It is amazing what just one day without the pain feels like. Relief. Hope. Normalcy. In fact, I've also felt alert and mentally well. My muscles, esp calf muscles, remain fatigued or sore, but otherwise I've felt good/fine/recovered. It is, I hope, another sign of this slow shift towards normal functioning. In terms of the right hip/butt pain, I suspect that the nerve or whatever it was has shifted position because it was a case of pain v no pain rather than a gradual reduction. Something has altered positionally/structurally to relieve the pain. Here's hoping it remains that way!

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