Saturday 19 May 2012

2km in 13 mins

Back at the gym yesterday. Nearly didn't make it. When I woke up, I didn't have any get up and go. It was one of those times where I can't work out whether going to the gym will finish me off or reinvigorate me. The consequences aren't much fun if it's the former! Anyway, having umed and erred for most of the morning, I eventually decided to go. And, I felt better for it. The most enjoyable aspect was the run/walk on the treadmill, when I upped the pace to a sprint and let rip. Man, it feels good to run fast. It makes you feel alive and powerful. I managed 2km in 13 minutes flat, which was my best time yet.

The rest of the session was the usual weights and stretches. I'm consistently managing 10kg on the seated rows and 6kg on the trunk twists now. When I left the gym, I had no particular pain. However, by mid-afternoon, the right butt/groin/leg pain had kicked in. Plus, the usual sort of burning/tingling sensation through the leg/foot. All of it, I guess, is related to irritated nerves within the hip structures. Very frustrating.

I didn't feel too drained through the afternoon/evening. I was tired but ok. I took paracetamol for the right hip to be able to sleep last night and will do the same tonight. I've got stiff lower calf muscles/tendons and mildly stiff shoulders (which is good). I feel tired today and the right hip structure/leg pain is constant. I couldn't do too much, even if I had the energy, due to the hip and calve muscle fatigue.

I missed the gym last Friday as I had commitments over the w/e and the sore left IT band (which is now fine).

Post Script 22:10
I meant to elaborate a bit on the stiff calf muscles. The thing is I could feel them complaining whilst I was running. It was like the muscles couldn't cope with the speed at which they were being asked to work i.e. their respiration was too slow. They were cramping up even as I was running and I knew they'd be painful today. It's frustrating. I had only been running 3-4 minutes or so but that was the max my calves could take. It's like everything in body can work but only at a snail's pace or at minimal exertion. If I try to up the pace or stress the various structures don't have the capacity to accommodate those demands. I just hope that if I keep trying then that will change for the better....

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