Wednesday 23 May 2012

Left Shoulder

Although the strength and range of motion of my left shoulder has improved, it's still pretty restricted on external rotation (and also some pain/restriction on abduction). I've been reminded of this again this week particularly whilst out birding. If I want to sit in a hide, lean my elbows on the hide shelf and hold my binoculars to my eyes, I can only hold that position for a matter of seconds before the pain in my left shoulder is excruciating. Same applies if I'm lying on my stomach in order to take low-level photographs or look through my binoculars, whilst resting my elbows on the ground. I cannot hold that position for more than a few seconds before the pain is intolerable. In essence, it's rather restrictive!

I don't know what the final solution is going to be for this shoulder but at some point, I am going to have to bite the bullet and get some treatment. Maybe, if I can get my hips/legs pain-free, then I'll feel like I've got the resources to cope with treatment. Either way, I've been dealing with this problem for more than 3.5 years and that's not good!!

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