Saturday 12 May 2012

Another Shift for the Better

Ok, I failed miserably to add to or update my entry last Friday. It was a case of wanting to wait and see how recovery went and then finding I wasn't in the right frame of mind to contemplate all this.... I am now...

Last week's gym session went well. I didn't feel so tired through the afternoon and the following morning I actually went out birding. That was my downfall! Although I was tired, I felt ok, but my muscles really were fatigued. They functioned like cold chewing gum - brittle/inelastic, dysfunctional and easily injured. I spent extended periods squatting and walking in a squat position whilst I stalked a bird I was trying to photograph (the culprit above - female Whinchat). On Sunday, it was clear I'd injured my left iliotibial band, dead centre on the outside of my left thigh. It's taken all week to heal up (still not there) and I missed my gym session yesterday. That injury and the general level of aches/pains through my butt/hip muscles kinda got me down - I'm fed up with muscles that recover at the speed of a slow snail!

The other weird thing about this week is that I've had trouble sleeping. On Thursday night, I was awake all night until about 6am. From 6 until 9am, I managed brief bursts of poor sleep, and that was it! It was a very odd experience. I've no idea why it happened. I may have forgotten to take my sedating anti-depressant before bed, but I can't remember. Essentially, the whole night, my body/brain felt wired and like I had 'restless leg syndrome' all through my being. Friday, I tried to get out and have an active day. I felt ok. I slept until 10am this morning and feel a little tired but generally fine. Maybe it's that I just haven't adjusted to having more resources. Maybe I need to do more....

...and that's the thing. For the past 3-4 weeks, after the gym, I've recovered better. Saturday's haven't been spent feeling utterly drained. My muscles still need the same length of time to refuel/heal/recover, but the general exhaustion level has decreased, I'm sure. I think it is another shift for the better....towards normality...

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