Sunday 3 October 2010

Yet Another Week "Off"

It was one of those moments where the little Blue Tits come into the garden like a wave of confetti and flutter about in every conceivable plant, including the ones just outside the patio doors. This little fella perched precariously on the branch just long enough for me to grab the camera and take a few shots. I was chuffed with how it came out.

Unfortunately, it's been another week trying to give the right lower abdominal and pubic bone muscle strains a chance to heal up. No table tennis, no pool work and I won't be getting back on the bike today. I've done a few decent walks but even they result in the usual right front of hip/thigh tightness and pain. I've not done any bicep/tricep strengthening either as that needs the abdominal muscles as stabilisers.

My pottery class started again on Friday, which was great. As usual, I didn't know I was missing it until I was back there enjoying it. I was encouraged to find that kneading the clay was a lot easier (all the deltoid and arm strengthening is paying off). And, I was standing, working over my piece, for the best part of 3 hours without getting lower back ache. My frozen left shoulder and left side of my neck were painful and fatigued by the end, and, in the evening, I had the usual deep tissue ache through my rotator cuffs, down my arms, but overall, I was happy to discover I've made progress physically.

Yesterday was a bit of a surprise though. In the morning, I went out for my usual 45 mins walk and did my stretches. But, by the afternoon I felt awful - drained, hot/cold/shivery and dizzy. I don't feel much better this morning. I was hoping it's just fatigue but maybe I'm coming down with a cold or something.

I plan to rest the strains for another week and then slowly get back to everything again, hopefully.

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