Saturday 16 October 2010


If I'd taken my camera on my walk this morning, I would have been able to upload an image of a beautiful hovering Kestrel but, as I didn't, it's another garden Blue Tit!

So, it's two years today since I started the NHS physio for the hips/back/core. Over those 2 years, my strength and stamina have improved although nowhere near as much as I would have liked. Unfortunately, the pain levels are seemingly as bad as they were back then. Maybe this will change over the next 6 months. I re-read my post for this time last year and one of the obvious improvements is the significant reduction in exhaustion. I do have more energy these days (even if I'm kinda tired today!).

I start back in NHS physio this Tuesday hips/back/core...again! I think I'll be very disappointed if s/he gives me the same set of exercises/stretches as 2 years ago! I have been working my butt off incorporating all of that into these 2 years and, to be frank, it'll ring serious alarm bells if I'm given the same routines again.

This week has been a little better than the previous 7 weeks. I managed the 25 mins on my exercise bike last Sunday without aggravating things too much. I made it to table tennis on Tuesday and played for about an hour. I missed the pool on Wednesday as I needed energy on Thursday but overall, I feel like I might be getting back on track. The right lower ab pain/twinges are still there but I'm treating it as though it's nerve pain which just needs to settle. If it's anything more serious it'll become clear as I try to get back to the pool work/swimming.

7 weeks ago I was averaging between 45-50 mins exercise per day (total: 5hrs 15 mins - 5hrs 45 mins per week). Over the past 7 weeks, I've dropped back down to 30 mins per day (total: 3 hrs 30 mins per week). It's quite a significant drop and I hope I can get back up to the higher level before Christmas.

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