Sunday 31 October 2010

Less is More & More Swimming

Not the best of shots, lol, but it was a garden first and a life-time first this week. A flock of 6+ pretty Brambling came into the garden late one afternoon. They stayed for perhaps 10 minutes before moving on and I've not seen them since. I'd never seen one before and certainly never seen one in the garden. It made my day!

I'm tired this afternoon so this may read worse than usual.....

Anyway, my rehab strategy has evolved. After 2 years of daily physio, followed by weeks filled with almost daily exercise of one sort or another, I'm taking a new approach. I reckon I've laid the foundations and the way forward is "less is more". Something the physio said a couple of weeks ago has prompted this I suppose.

So....for the moment, I'm putting my energies into the pool work. This week I tried doing 25 reps of the hyrdo exercises followed by 18-19 lengths (9 on my back, 9-10 breaststroke). However, I think keeping the reps down to 20 and aiming for 15 lengths is probably best. I felt almost ill with exhaustion afterwards on Wednesday; was good for nothing on Thursday and slept for an hour in the afternoon. Friday I was still drained and thankfully it was half term so didn't have pottery.

The main issue this week has been the right upper thigh/groin ache/pain. It was very bad after table tennis and the pool, and I had to take painkillers to be able to sleep. It has settled a little since then but something needs sorting out!

I turned up for my physio appointment on Monday only to realise I was a week early....D'Oh! So, back at physio tomorrow afternoon.

Still getting the usual deep tissue pain through the rotator cuffs and down my arms - is it nerve pain? Who knows.


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