Sunday 10 October 2010


Another Blue Tit. They continue to come into my garden in delicate swarms and this little chap posed nicely on the branches of the Japanese Maple, just outside the kitchen window. One of these days I'll get some shots that aren't 'through the double glazing'.

It's been another week out of the pool, away from the table tennis table and off the bike. I have done a few decent walks though. I was pleased to manage 1.5 hours on Wednesday with a steep incline through the last part of the walk. Although there was pain/twinges through my groins/glutes and down my left leg, the big muscles (quads, hamstrings and calves) coped really well, I didn't get puffed out and I wasn't exhausted in the afternoon. My energy levels recovered 'normally' even if the pain intensified.

And, that's been the dominating issue. The pain. The LHS lower back tightness/pain, the left hip/glute ache/pain referring down my left leg through my groin; pain through the pubic bone muscles, pain through my right front of hip/groin, pain, essentially, through connector tissues around my hips. Plus, the other deep tissue ache through my rotator cuffs. I can only assume that this is all nerve related one way or another. At one point this week, the pattern of pain reminded me of the growing pains I used to have as a child - that deep ache through the pelvis down the legs. As far as I know, that is sciatic nerve pain so perhaps this is similar?

Below is a record/indicator of roughly where the worst pain is located (shown by yellow/red areas)

Anyway, I was very pleased to finally receive my letter from the hospital this week inviting me to make my first physiotherapy appointment. That'll be 19th Oct so not too long to wait now. Increasingly, I'm not sure they'll be able to help but perhaps they'll send me in the direction of where help can be found.

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