Sunday 24 October 2010

Back in NHS Physiotherapy & Back at the Pool (15 Lengths)

I was very pleased to get this photo of a sweet little Long Tailed Tit perched on the Rose bush outside the kitchen window this week. It was one of those 'lucky shots' where you've got a few seconds to get 1 maybe 2 photos before the bird flies, and this was the result.

It's been a mixed week. I started off feeling optimistic. Managed 25 mins on the exercise bike last Sunday, pushing quite hard, and it felt really good. I came off the bike feeling energised, strong and 'fit'. I didn't feel any particular right groin/front of hip tightness/pain (which was a minor miracle!) or LHS lower back pain. Monday and Tuesday morning, the normal groin/glute/back pains were minimal and I realised what life might feel life without constant pain!

However, Tuesday afternoon was my first appointment back with the NHS physiotherapy dept for the left glute/LHS lower back problems. All I can say is that I came away not knowing whether I was disappointed or got exactly what I expected, nothing. Essentially, the physio said I was doing all the right things and that it was unlikely she'd be able to do anything else for me. As ever, it's a case of prescribing exercises/stretches without seemingly to apply any real anatomical expertise. I suppose, actually, I was gutted. I wanted to see a really experienced physiotherapist who would follow the paths of causation/pain and then tell me what the problem was. Unfortunately, that's not what I got.

In the spirit of fairness, maybe the physio will be more forthcoming/helpful tomorrow (the next appointment). And, I did glean something useful in that she said it may help to reduce injuries if I have 2 rest days per week rather than 1. She also said my left hip strength was good (which I was delighted to hear!) and there was no reason why I shouldn't be able to swim safely.

The left hip assessment exercises aggravated the LHS lower back pain.

Wednesday, I was back at the pool after another 4 weeks off it. I've decided to try a new approach from now onwards. I reckon the 18 months of persevering with the 50 reps of each exercise will have conditioned the structures enough to 'move on'. This week, I tried doing just 20 reps of each exercise (as a warm up, maintenance of movement) and then gingerly started swimming. I was terrified of straining the right pubic bone muscle or right ab/groin area again. I was very careful not to apply any real stress to the breaststroke leg kick and mainly used my arms to propel me forward.

I have to say I was very pleasantly surprised! My arms/upper body felt fresh and stronger. I easily managed about 15 lengths (7 breaststroke, 7-8 on my back with flutter kicks). By the end I was getting the usual cramps in my left foot/calf and the right ab was a little twingey, but overall I was extremely happy. The break had done me good. I felt stronger.

Thursday was the usual exhausted, rest day. Friday was pottery and, physically, I coped well but must have stood over my pot in an awkward way because I strained a LHS mid back muscle which has been stiff/painful ever since! Yesterday, I didn't do my usual 45-50 mins walk. I was tired and scared of not letting my body recover enough from the swimming. I tried the new physio exercise (see below) but that's aggravated the right groin/front of hip pain/ache.

I didn't sleep well last night. I was worrying about the state of my body. Also, I somehow pinched a nerve (in my neck?) which caused sharp pain through the back of my left hand (the area before the thumb and index finger). If I lay on my right side, the pain intensified to the point of intolerable so I had to turn over, release the nerve(?), and the pain subsided. Very odd!

So, generally, today, I feel discouraged and frustrated. It's been a very up and down week. I can't take anything for granted. One minute, I feel like I might just have a chance of one day being fit and free from pain, the next minute, all the old problems are back and nothing seems to be improving.

I guess, fundamentally, I am getting stronger. The problem is the nerve pain/hypersensitive muscles. I dearly hope that that will all settle with time and continued use of the structures.

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