Monday 29 July 2013

Hearing Test Results Update (False Alarm!)

Ok, so I've had the weekend to digest the news that I may need hearing aids....

I went into Boots this afternoon to get a copy of my hearing test results to take to my GP in a couple of weeks. Back home, I hit Google and spent a bit of time working out exactly what the results mean. To say I was shocked is an understatement. As far as I can tell, my hearing is actually fine, it's just that the left ear is badly blocked. From everything I've read, if the bone conduction tests are normal (which mine are) but the air-conduction tests show a loss then the problem is not the critical sensory organs of the ear but a simple case of sound waves not getting through to those organs. Plain as day! I cannot believe the audiologist didn't tell me this?! I even asked him out right if the loss could be caused by a blockage that would eventually clear. He said no. Crazy! Surely he must have known I'd check with my GP at least before ordering expensive hearing aids?!

Anyway, it seems the 3 days of getting my head around all this were unnecessary. I just need to get to my GP to get my ear unblocked. Simple as that. I'll wait until after my holiday - who knows, it might unblock itself over the next 10 days or so. Thank goodness for Google is all I can say!

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