Friday 2 August 2013

Lighter Rehab Week & Ears Still Blocked

Winding down this week before heading off for a week's holiday tomorrow. Tuesday's shorter swim wasn't deliberate though. I had asked the, previous week, when would be the best time to come for the lane swimming once the holidays started. I was told 10am. Turned up at 10am and the lanes were just finishing! I persevered for half an hour in the pool, dodging children, families, floatation devices and so on but once I'd reached 32 lengths (0.5 miles) I called it a day. It was way too much hassle.

Today's gym session was fairly light. I didn't want to wear myself out for my holiday! Plus, I was feeling rather weak and feeble due to hormones anyway.

My left ear is still badly blocked but I can now hear fluid moving around inside it when lying down, which I think is a good sign. Up until now, I've not had that sensation. I'm hoping this means the ear will unblock itself gradually over the coming days.

Other than that, it's been a good 7 days for my right hip. No right butt/groin/upper thigh pain at all?! Long may it last.

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