Saturday 9 March 2013

New Gym Equipment + 2km Run/Walk

My local gym has just completed an upgrade to the facilities, opening a whole new room filled with various machines and equipment. Included in the new set up is what looks like something you'd find in the monkey enclosure of a zoo! A series of frames with ropes and shelves and articulated weights and all sorts of things attached to it. Gym users have all been told they can have 30 mins free tuition on this new style of equipment. So, that's what I did this morning.

The session started at 10am and we were carefully shown around the various bits and pieces, and given a chance to try them out. I was surprised by a) how strong I was on some and b) how weak I was on others. It really showed up the areas of the body that need work. It was refreshing and fun to try something new and I didn't try to opt out in order to protect my abdominal muscles. I'll see how they are later today...

The intro session lasted about 40 mins and I stayed to do some sets on the new stuff. I then decided I'd try a bit of running to see how my right hip coped. I did 2km run/walk in 14:30. It felt soooo good! I absolutely love sport. If I could spend my days doing sport, I would. I find it so satisfying and grounding and empowering. Anyway, the run felt a lot easier on my legs than it did when I last did a 2km run/walk last August (7 months ago! Here). The respiration rate of my muscles is much better so it feels easier. As for my right hip, I was aware of it but had no sharp pain in my butt or upper/inner thigh on foot strike or anything. I shall wait and see if pain develops through the afternoon as that was the norm. I suspect I worked my right abdominal muscles too hard but, again, I'll see how they recover. I am more determined than ever to get strong and fit, however long it takes. I am a sportswoman at heart.

Post Script: 16:10
Right butt increasingly painful/sore through afternoon. Painful to sit on. Not sure if there has been any improvement or not in the last 7 months in terms of the pain. Disappointing...

Post Script Two: Sunday 16:30
Long sleep last night - absolutely worn out from the gym work. Lots of good stiff muscles today (upper back/shoulders, arms, some right abdominal discomfort but not sure if it's injury or stiffness (will see in the next few days), upper/inner thighs and calves).

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