Wednesday 13 March 2013

58 lengths (1,450 metres) Swim

Up and down over the past few days. I was incredibly stiff (in a good way!) after the gym session on Saturday. It felt very satisfying to have worked my muscles hard and to think that they were developing as a result. I am actually still a bit stiff today in some muscles (4 days later!).

Unfortunately, the right crick neck which I've had since the middle of January is still there and still a problem. The right abdominal muscle discomfort is still a problem. And then there's all the usual, chronic issues...left shoulder, right shoulder and right hip. Last night I was awake until 3am worrying and stressing and obsessing about everything. I could not switch my mind off trying to find a solution to these ongoing problems. I am fed up of the pain and restriction they cause. I'm fed up of no-one knowing how to make them better. I am fed up of being in pain! Last night, it all felt pretty intolerable.

Today, was swim day. I wasn't sure how my body would cope. I've got an issue with the right rotator cuff and I wasn't sure how painful my abdominal muscles would be. Anyway, I set about doing my lengths (alternating breast stroke/back stroke, stopping every 2 lengths for up to 30 or so seconds). The first 15-20 are always the hardest. It takes me a while to get into a rhythm. The right rotator cuff muscle was sore throughout but tolerable. Everything else seemed to cope. I pushed for 32 lengths...then 40...then 50...and then I thought I'd try for my ultimate goal which is to swim 1 mile (64 lengths). I got to length 58 and could feel my legs were cramping quite badly. I had to call it a day. However, by that point, my strength and energy levels were still good. I still had decent stroke form and power (unlike the early days when I would be totally spent and ragged by the end). All in all, I was very pleased. The crick neck was still 'there' and painful and the right rotator cuff muscle/tendon still sore but, hey, I'd swum for a good 50 minutes and survived! The only fly in the ointment was my new swimming costume...

I had finally gotten around to ordering a new costume online (my old one is on its last legs). It arrived this morning and, although I do say so myself, looked really good on, lol. Half way through my swim, I was aware of growing soreness under my arms. Basically, the new costume chafes so badly that it's left two welts of raw skin, one in each armpit. I hadn't realised how bad they were until I was showering and put soap on them. I nearly jumped through the roof with agony! I won't be wearing that costume again!

I've probably written this before but I'll write it again...

Going back 4 years ago, I couldn't swim a length. My joints were too weak and unstable. I was incredibly weak overall. I would go to the pool and do my hour of hydrotherapy exercises whilst, in the swimming lanes, a lady about my age, would swim her 64 lengths. At that stage, I couldn't imagine how it was possible to swim that far! I couldn't imagine what it felt like to be able to do it. Ever since, it's been an unspoken hope that one day, I might be able to swim 1 mile, 64 lengths. My strength and stamina are improving. I do believe now that I will get to the 1 mile mark. I just wish the athletic achievement was accompanied by the healing of my left shoulder and right hip in particular. It feels ridiculous that I have the potential to swim 1 mile pain-free but can barely walk the same distance without significant pain through my hip.

I suspect the next few weeks will be more of the up and down feelings. I am going to try to dedicate 6 weeks to the rehabilitation of my abdominal muscles. It's basically a progressive loading programme and stretching to try to get the muscles back to full power and length. I'm not sure if it'll involve resisting the pool and gym....we'll see. Anyway, if that goes badly, I am going to be seriously demoralised!! I cannot bear the thought of acquiring another chronic issue without a solution!

  • Standing Trunk Twists (unloaded) 2 x 10 reps
  • Lying on my back, arms outstretched on floor and rolling knees from side to side (basically a trunk twist on the floor) 10 reps
  • Half-level crunches (i.e. only bringing shoulders up half way rather than whole way) 10 reps
The idea is to do those exercises until they fail to produce pain and then increase the difficulty. We shall see....

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