Tuesday 26 February 2013

50 Lengths (1km 250metres)

Back at the pool today after a weekend away (and off rehab). Really didn't want to get out of bed this morning and the first 10-20 lengths were hard-going - mentally, I wasn't 'up for it'. However, I pushed on and when I reach 40 lengths I felt like I could try for a bit more. It did cross my mind to try for 64 lengths, which is 1 mile, but by the time I reached 50, I could feel various muscles beginning to cramp so I called it a day.

The right crick neck is still a problem. Right scapular/shoulder is still achy/problematic. The right abdominal muscles aren't fully fit and there's the usual right upper thigh/groin tightness/discomfort. Hopefully, I haven't made anything worse, which is the main thing.

I plan on getting back to the gym on Friday after missing the last 2 weeks.

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