Sunday 6 March 2011

Shoulders still weak


A group of Black-headed gulls had been scared into flight by a lone Starling. The female Teal (duck) looked a little bewildered by the commotion, but didn't come to grief, lol.

It felt good to get back into the gym on Monday after 2 weeks out. I'd lost a bit of strength through my arms (the press-ups felt harder than normal) but overall I was pleased with what I was able to manage. I tried adding in some front raises (with 1kg dumbells) to build up the deltoid muscles but I think I need to go back a few stages before that. This week I'll try the front raises lying on my back so that the shoulder structure is supported and I can concentrate on only engaging the deltoid muscles (rather than letting the pecs muscles kick in when they shouldn't). My shoulders are still frustratingly weak to the point that it's actually difficult to find exercises easier enough for me to manage.

It's 6 days since I was at the gym and the structures through my shoulders are still inflamed/sore. I've iced my triceps and shoulders twice, which helped reduce the pain, but they're obviously still healing up. Very frustrating.

Edit: Just tested out shoulder strength and the most I can lift doing a combo front/lateral raise is 450g. Little more than a can of baked beans...

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