Sunday 13 March 2011

Inflammed Left Shoulder

A juvenile Song Thrush on the garden fence last August. Not taken any new pictures recently due to poor light/weather or lack of opportunity.

Two things this week. Firstly my left shoulder (referring pain down my arm) has been very painful and I was taking painkillers to be able to sleep at night. It seems to have settled a little bit but I'm being extremely careful with it.

Secondly, the gym session went surprisingly well this week with very little muscle stiffness afterwards. Normally, I can feel that I've worked my legs hard and they're stiff for a few days afterwards (in a good way). But, this week, I barely noticed the workout even though I had pushed quite hard. It's a good sign I think.

I was pleased too that at pottery on Friday I was standing and leaning over my pot for most of 1.5-2hrs and I didn't get any back pain. I coped just fine.

On the downside, I've felt drained/exhausted all week. All I want to do is sleep or sit in peace and quiet. I guess mentally/emotionally I'm kinda drained at the moment.

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