Saturday 26 February 2011

Back at Table Tennis

It's a garden Robin, taken a few weeks ago. I'd gone into the garden to fill up the feeders and this little fella was obviously annoyed that I'd entered his/her territory. He watched me like a hawk and let me get a few photos of him/her posing.

No gym or pool this week as I was going away on Thursday to stay with family, which didn't allow for sufficient recovery time. Instead, I've had a few decent walks and I went along to the table tennis club on Tuesday evening, which was great. It was the first time I'd been this year.

Apart from the match players, there were only 2 of us there to play socially so we had the table to ourselves all evening. I had a good laugh and actually played really well. I was also very pleasantly surprised by the lack of aches and pains. Normally, I have right neck and shoulder/arm pain right from the very start but I don't think anything hurt last week. The same was true the following day. I felt tired out (I'd played for 90 minutes) but I didn't have any particular neck/shoulder/arm pain (although I did have the usual right upper/inner thigh tightness/pain). It was another indication that finally something is beginning to change significantly - the gym work is paying off., I'm looking forward to getting back into the gym this coming week.

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