Saturday 19 March 2011

The Usual

A garden Robin shot, taken back in January. Still not been able to get any new photos recently.

Continued to feel pretty drained and mentally 'ill' at the beginning of the week (very tearful, disorientated, difficulty doing simple tasks like food shopping, deciding what I should eat etc). Anyway, went to the gym on Tuesday as usual and that felt quite grounding. I was pleased with the weights I could manage and the exercises I did. I came home feeling less mentally overwhelmed and 'ill'. The right upper thigh/groin/hip tightness/pain was bad again after the gym and I took painkillers to be able to sleep that night and Wednesday night. I wish I could figure out which muscle needs stretching or massaging but I can't, lol.

Wednesday was the usual recovery day, worn out in a 'healthy' way from the gym work. Didn't have the energy to do anything more than stay awake, feed myself and watch telly. Thursday, I woke up with a sore throat (very inconvenient!) and that's where I'm still at today. I've been taking Vit C and Zinc having read that the combination can reduce the duration and severity of a cold. It'll be interesting to see if it actually works!

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