Sunday 31 October 2010

Less is More & More Swimming

Not the best of shots, lol, but it was a garden first and a life-time first this week. A flock of 6+ pretty Brambling came into the garden late one afternoon. They stayed for perhaps 10 minutes before moving on and I've not seen them since. I'd never seen one before and certainly never seen one in the garden. It made my day!

I'm tired this afternoon so this may read worse than usual.....

Anyway, my rehab strategy has evolved. After 2 years of daily physio, followed by weeks filled with almost daily exercise of one sort or another, I'm taking a new approach. I reckon I've laid the foundations and the way forward is "less is more". Something the physio said a couple of weeks ago has prompted this I suppose.

So....for the moment, I'm putting my energies into the pool work. This week I tried doing 25 reps of the hyrdo exercises followed by 18-19 lengths (9 on my back, 9-10 breaststroke). However, I think keeping the reps down to 20 and aiming for 15 lengths is probably best. I felt almost ill with exhaustion afterwards on Wednesday; was good for nothing on Thursday and slept for an hour in the afternoon. Friday I was still drained and thankfully it was half term so didn't have pottery.

The main issue this week has been the right upper thigh/groin ache/pain. It was very bad after table tennis and the pool, and I had to take painkillers to be able to sleep. It has settled a little since then but something needs sorting out!

I turned up for my physio appointment on Monday only to realise I was a week early....D'Oh! So, back at physio tomorrow afternoon.

Still getting the usual deep tissue pain through the rotator cuffs and down my arms - is it nerve pain? Who knows.


Sunday 24 October 2010

Back in NHS Physiotherapy & Back at the Pool (15 Lengths)

I was very pleased to get this photo of a sweet little Long Tailed Tit perched on the Rose bush outside the kitchen window this week. It was one of those 'lucky shots' where you've got a few seconds to get 1 maybe 2 photos before the bird flies, and this was the result.

It's been a mixed week. I started off feeling optimistic. Managed 25 mins on the exercise bike last Sunday, pushing quite hard, and it felt really good. I came off the bike feeling energised, strong and 'fit'. I didn't feel any particular right groin/front of hip tightness/pain (which was a minor miracle!) or LHS lower back pain. Monday and Tuesday morning, the normal groin/glute/back pains were minimal and I realised what life might feel life without constant pain!

However, Tuesday afternoon was my first appointment back with the NHS physiotherapy dept for the left glute/LHS lower back problems. All I can say is that I came away not knowing whether I was disappointed or got exactly what I expected, nothing. Essentially, the physio said I was doing all the right things and that it was unlikely she'd be able to do anything else for me. As ever, it's a case of prescribing exercises/stretches without seemingly to apply any real anatomical expertise. I suppose, actually, I was gutted. I wanted to see a really experienced physiotherapist who would follow the paths of causation/pain and then tell me what the problem was. Unfortunately, that's not what I got.

In the spirit of fairness, maybe the physio will be more forthcoming/helpful tomorrow (the next appointment). And, I did glean something useful in that she said it may help to reduce injuries if I have 2 rest days per week rather than 1. She also said my left hip strength was good (which I was delighted to hear!) and there was no reason why I shouldn't be able to swim safely.

The left hip assessment exercises aggravated the LHS lower back pain.

Wednesday, I was back at the pool after another 4 weeks off it. I've decided to try a new approach from now onwards. I reckon the 18 months of persevering with the 50 reps of each exercise will have conditioned the structures enough to 'move on'. This week, I tried doing just 20 reps of each exercise (as a warm up, maintenance of movement) and then gingerly started swimming. I was terrified of straining the right pubic bone muscle or right ab/groin area again. I was very careful not to apply any real stress to the breaststroke leg kick and mainly used my arms to propel me forward.

I have to say I was very pleasantly surprised! My arms/upper body felt fresh and stronger. I easily managed about 15 lengths (7 breaststroke, 7-8 on my back with flutter kicks). By the end I was getting the usual cramps in my left foot/calf and the right ab was a little twingey, but overall I was extremely happy. The break had done me good. I felt stronger.

Thursday was the usual exhausted, rest day. Friday was pottery and, physically, I coped well but must have stood over my pot in an awkward way because I strained a LHS mid back muscle which has been stiff/painful ever since! Yesterday, I didn't do my usual 45-50 mins walk. I was tired and scared of not letting my body recover enough from the swimming. I tried the new physio exercise (see below) but that's aggravated the right groin/front of hip pain/ache.

I didn't sleep well last night. I was worrying about the state of my body. Also, I somehow pinched a nerve (in my neck?) which caused sharp pain through the back of my left hand (the area before the thumb and index finger). If I lay on my right side, the pain intensified to the point of intolerable so I had to turn over, release the nerve(?), and the pain subsided. Very odd!

So, generally, today, I feel discouraged and frustrated. It's been a very up and down week. I can't take anything for granted. One minute, I feel like I might just have a chance of one day being fit and free from pain, the next minute, all the old problems are back and nothing seems to be improving.

I guess, fundamentally, I am getting stronger. The problem is the nerve pain/hypersensitive muscles. I dearly hope that that will all settle with time and continued use of the structures.

Saturday 16 October 2010


If I'd taken my camera on my walk this morning, I would have been able to upload an image of a beautiful hovering Kestrel but, as I didn't, it's another garden Blue Tit!

So, it's two years today since I started the NHS physio for the hips/back/core. Over those 2 years, my strength and stamina have improved although nowhere near as much as I would have liked. Unfortunately, the pain levels are seemingly as bad as they were back then. Maybe this will change over the next 6 months. I re-read my post for this time last year and one of the obvious improvements is the significant reduction in exhaustion. I do have more energy these days (even if I'm kinda tired today!).

I start back in NHS physio this Tuesday hips/back/core...again! I think I'll be very disappointed if s/he gives me the same set of exercises/stretches as 2 years ago! I have been working my butt off incorporating all of that into these 2 years and, to be frank, it'll ring serious alarm bells if I'm given the same routines again.

This week has been a little better than the previous 7 weeks. I managed the 25 mins on my exercise bike last Sunday without aggravating things too much. I made it to table tennis on Tuesday and played for about an hour. I missed the pool on Wednesday as I needed energy on Thursday but overall, I feel like I might be getting back on track. The right lower ab pain/twinges are still there but I'm treating it as though it's nerve pain which just needs to settle. If it's anything more serious it'll become clear as I try to get back to the pool work/swimming.

7 weeks ago I was averaging between 45-50 mins exercise per day (total: 5hrs 15 mins - 5hrs 45 mins per week). Over the past 7 weeks, I've dropped back down to 30 mins per day (total: 3 hrs 30 mins per week). It's quite a significant drop and I hope I can get back up to the higher level before Christmas.

Sunday 10 October 2010


Another Blue Tit. They continue to come into my garden in delicate swarms and this little chap posed nicely on the branches of the Japanese Maple, just outside the kitchen window. One of these days I'll get some shots that aren't 'through the double glazing'.

It's been another week out of the pool, away from the table tennis table and off the bike. I have done a few decent walks though. I was pleased to manage 1.5 hours on Wednesday with a steep incline through the last part of the walk. Although there was pain/twinges through my groins/glutes and down my left leg, the big muscles (quads, hamstrings and calves) coped really well, I didn't get puffed out and I wasn't exhausted in the afternoon. My energy levels recovered 'normally' even if the pain intensified.

And, that's been the dominating issue. The pain. The LHS lower back tightness/pain, the left hip/glute ache/pain referring down my left leg through my groin; pain through the pubic bone muscles, pain through my right front of hip/groin, pain, essentially, through connector tissues around my hips. Plus, the other deep tissue ache through my rotator cuffs. I can only assume that this is all nerve related one way or another. At one point this week, the pattern of pain reminded me of the growing pains I used to have as a child - that deep ache through the pelvis down the legs. As far as I know, that is sciatic nerve pain so perhaps this is similar?

Below is a record/indicator of roughly where the worst pain is located (shown by yellow/red areas)

Anyway, I was very pleased to finally receive my letter from the hospital this week inviting me to make my first physiotherapy appointment. That'll be 19th Oct so not too long to wait now. Increasingly, I'm not sure they'll be able to help but perhaps they'll send me in the direction of where help can be found.

Sunday 3 October 2010

Yet Another Week "Off"

It was one of those moments where the little Blue Tits come into the garden like a wave of confetti and flutter about in every conceivable plant, including the ones just outside the patio doors. This little fella perched precariously on the branch just long enough for me to grab the camera and take a few shots. I was chuffed with how it came out.

Unfortunately, it's been another week trying to give the right lower abdominal and pubic bone muscle strains a chance to heal up. No table tennis, no pool work and I won't be getting back on the bike today. I've done a few decent walks but even they result in the usual right front of hip/thigh tightness and pain. I've not done any bicep/tricep strengthening either as that needs the abdominal muscles as stabilisers.

My pottery class started again on Friday, which was great. As usual, I didn't know I was missing it until I was back there enjoying it. I was encouraged to find that kneading the clay was a lot easier (all the deltoid and arm strengthening is paying off). And, I was standing, working over my piece, for the best part of 3 hours without getting lower back ache. My frozen left shoulder and left side of my neck were painful and fatigued by the end, and, in the evening, I had the usual deep tissue ache through my rotator cuffs, down my arms, but overall, I was happy to discover I've made progress physically.

Yesterday was a bit of a surprise though. In the morning, I went out for my usual 45 mins walk and did my stretches. But, by the afternoon I felt awful - drained, hot/cold/shivery and dizzy. I don't feel much better this morning. I was hoping it's just fatigue but maybe I'm coming down with a cold or something.

I plan to rest the strains for another week and then slowly get back to everything again, hopefully.