Tuesday 1 June 2010

Infuriating Injuries!

Popping in to vent! Ok, I finally had a little bit of energy yesterday and had a short 20 mins walk, followed by some stretching. My target currently is to lengthen my hamstrings. Long story but essentially they're short, rigid and restrictive. Ok, so I followed the stretching instructions on the net (Link) - I did the stretch in figure 2 (see below):

Today, I've got multiple stinging strains at various points along the hamstrings, behind my knees and down my right abductor! Typical! I've been trying to lengthen my hamstrings gently for months now, essentially following the procedure on that website. But they're still short and tight and don't seem to be letting up. Looks like I'll have to miss table tennis tonight as a result of more minor but infuriating injuries.

Ok, the 'long story'. I have finally gotten hold of a second hand WaterRower which arrived last week. Very pleased with it. Nice smooth action. Great bit of kit. But, I hadn't factored in my short hamstrings. As soon as I try rowing, the stress on my lower back is huge. I basically haven't got the flexibility to use the machine yet, which is, well, 'annoying' is an understatement. Anyways, the solution is to get to work on improving the flexibility, particularly lengthening the hamstrings. But, I can see that once again, it's not going to be a simple case of doing stretches for a few weeks. This, as usual, is going to be a one step forwards, three steps back affair until the structures start to respond as they should. Patience, patience, patience.

In the meantime, I have a great rower taunting me, lol.

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