Sunday 30 May 2010

A distraction from the tiredness

Rubbish pictures but the best I could manage digiscoping using the wrong sort of camera! Still, it's good enough to tell that it's a Red Footed Falcon (1st Summer, male), usually found in Eastern Europe and Asia, which turned up this week at Wilstone Reservoir, Tring! The first time I've seen one of these beautiful birds and was very pleased to get any kind of record shot given the enormous distances involved. It later left its preening perch and hunted over the reservoir for insects, in the company of 2 Hobbies - fantastic.

So...this week has been another tough one. I'm still not getting much sleep after 6am and often awake from 5am (all triggered by the neighbours tumble drier consistently waking me up at that time). Not much else to say except I'm shattered and dealing with the usual aches/pains. Spent all day yesterday just resting, eating and watching the tennis. I'm too knackered to try to string any more sentences or reflection together so that's it for this week. Glad I forced myself out to bird watch this morning - enjoyed the Falcon and Hobbies.

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