Sunday 20 June 2010

Stress etc

Extremely tired, almost constant 'exhaustion' headache all week and the inability to sleep well beyond 5/5:30am. I guess I'm stressed about various things not least of which was picking up the new car and getting rid of my beloved old one. If I could have kept my old one on the road I would have done but it was beyond economical repair. My brain doesn't cope well with change. Every little aspect of the pros/cons of significant decisions/situations/etc are analysed over and over and over again without any real control of those obsessive thoughts. I quite literally feel like I'm going nuts during those times.

Anyways...hopefully things will calm down a bit over the next week or so.

For now, I'm just absolutely drained but trying to keep up with the rehab schedule. Weirdly, I don't think it's my muscles that are tired out. It's my brain that's struggling to keep up with the nervous system demands of incorporating the different uses of the body. The brain and nervous system are certainly ingenious but I guess I have to remember that my nervous system has kinda been burnt out once already and needs to be 'handled with care'. Pushing myself (my brain) rarely pays off. I have to go at its pace.....slower than slow....

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