Sunday 13 June 2010

Still Struggling with Tiredness

Another one from the House Martins series of shots. These two were gathering little stones (on the left) and wet mud (on the right) for nest repairs/building. I love having these birds right on my doorstep.

It was good to get away last weekend and, as it turned out, I had a break from the main physical rehab stuff. Whether it was as a consequence or just coincidence, I did have a week of very bad LHS lower back ache/tightness/pain and left hip ache. Nothing would relieve it although lying down and/or applying heat helped. I'm convinced that there's some area of irritation - nerve/muscle/tendon/ligament, which flares up regularly and I seem to just have to sit it out until it calms a bit again. I try not to take painkillers otherwise I'd be on them daily.

Anyways, it felt great to get back to the pool this Wednesday. My muscles were fresher than usual (no table tennis the night before) and I had a session where everything functioned well. For the first time ever, I didn't have left shoulder bursa/infraspinatus tendon pain when doing the 5 lengths of breaststroke (alternating with the 5 lengths on my back using flutter kicks). I came away feeling encouraged and pleased with how my body coped. My breaststroke strokes are still 'gentle' because I'm not sure I've got the shoulder stability yet to exert full force, but it's all progress.

I've been pretty wiped out through the end of this week mainly due to mental stresses rather than physical exertion. Also, my brain still hasn't figured out that sleeping beyond 5:30/6am is preferable! That aspect is definitely wearing me out. I've had the old 'overstimulation' headaches where it feels like my head is about to explode unless I lie down in a darkened room and sleep for an hour, and I've had reduced resources for coping with anything out of the ordinary. One of the 'stresses' is that my beloved, 13 year old Ford Escort has reached the end of its life and I've been frantically searching for a new car. Thankfully, I have now found one and pick it up next Friday but until that feels resolved, my poor little brain cannot stop obsessing about every possible facet of what I should consider in buying a new car.

........tired out.

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