Wednesday 4 November 2009

Hydrotherapy - The 8th month

Back from another session at the pool. And, I'm into the 6th month of hydrotherapy since finishing the 2 months at the hospital pool. The exercises felt good today and I did extra walking backwards/forwards. My shoulders remain the sticking point. My left shoulder/arm is still very restricted and painful and my right shoulder/arm is just about coping albeit with pain. My left hip/LHS lower back only ached mildly once I got home today. I'm applying heat as I write, lol.

Afterwards, I felt brave enough to talk to one of the instructors at the centre. I wanted to see if they could give me any direction as to how to progress the rehab. The lady I spoke to was very well-meaning and kind and, like so many people I talk to, she seemed to have a very narrow view of 'what I needed'. Swimming lessons were the answer....

There really are as many 'answers' as there are people I speak to. Some say gym work, some say mat work, some say swimming, some say bigger muscles, some say greater endurance....and so it goes on. It's tricky! Anyway, I'll see how I feel next week. I'm not sure swimming lessons are the way forward with one very restricted shoulder and one that is struggling to keep up healthy function!?!

Generally, I'm sleeping very badly. For the past 3 nights I've taken hours to get to sleep and then woken (or been woken by the next door neighbour's flipping tumble drier! 5:30am?!?! Who does drying at that time of day, I ask you!?) at 4am-ish. I'm getting, at best, 5 hours a night. After the pool work today, whilst speaking to the instructor, I came over extremely faint and had to make for the nearest chair. It took a while before I could stand again and I still don't feel too good - like I could faint at any minute. My body is doing weird stuff this week...

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