Saturday 1 August 2009

6 months on

Yes, it's been 6 months since I bought the exercise bike. Today, I hit the 16 minutes mark for cycling time and it felt great. I'm still on the lowest resistance level possible but it's about increasing the endurance of the muscles/tendons rather than strength (initially). My weak left hip stabiliser/glute is still the problem area. It began to ache towards the very end and ached/hurt afterwards. I massaged with the tennis ball and then applied heat but the pain continued for most of the day and also affected my lower back.

It's taken 6 months to condition the hips/legs to go from struggling to cope with 3 minutes on the bike up to the 16 minutes. The left hip is the limiting factor.

Although the hydrotherapy work does include arm muscle exercises I also do bicep curls and tricep extensions once a week. I think I overdid it today. As ever, I forget that although the bicep muscle might be strong enough to cope with the higher weight, the rest of the supporting structures aren't. My shoulder girdle and left arm really ache.

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