Wednesday 29 July 2009


....another early morning to get into the pool before the children later in the day. Had a bad night last night. Woke at about 4am after nightmares and felt overwhelmed. Unable to control the tears but decided that sobbing in the dark was only going to make things worse so turned on the lights and wrote. It helped. Eventually went back to sleep for another hour before the alarm went off at 8am.

Anyways....the pool work felt good today. The exercises felt easier and I got through them pretty quickly. The improvised shoulder exercises are really helping my restricted/stiff left shoulder/arm. When I get out of the pool, I immediately have a lot less pain and restriction although it stiffens up again as the day goes on.

The downside today was I got really cold. After 30 mins of doing exercises I was shivering in the water and couldn't stay in any longer once I'd finished the workout. Thankfully, the nice shower was free and the water was toasty warm so I soon defrosted.

This afternoon, various muscles ache/hurt. My shoulders in particular and my right groin and Iliotibial band (ITB) (which has been stiff/problematic over the past few days). I guess they'll settle down eventually!

Feeling pretty sleepy and may head off for an afternoon snooze.

Note: heard from the NHS physiotherapy dept today - 3 month wait.

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