Monday 31 August 2009

20 minutes barrier

...finally through the 20 mins mark on the exercise bike. I pushed it today. Yesterday, I'd had an active 3 hours at Amwell Nature Reserve and wasn't sure my muscles would be up to anything strenuous today. Certainly, I didn't fancy any more walking but I figured a little light *cough, cough* bike work would be ok.

My left hip stabiliser and lower back are still playing up, which really is getting very tiring.

But, when I got on the bike, I just thought s*d it and went for 20 mins. For the most part it felt good. My left glutes twinged at the beginning and my right knee crunched at one point (as is its way, lol) but overall, it was smooth and painless.

Now, I'm sitting here with a hot water bottle stuffed down my back, lol.

Edited 10:20pm: Left hip/glutes and LHS lower back ache intensified as the afternoon/evening wore on. Definitely paid for pushing things today.

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