Saturday 29 August 2009


I'm going through one of those periods where various muscle groups suddenly decide to hurt or that deep-tissue aching is the order of the day. There's no obvious rhyme or reason to it. It just happens. It started a few days ago with my knees, then it was my lower back and yesterday evening, it was my shoulder girdle. The knees and back are still aching/strained....

Tonight, the ache throughout my shoulder girdle is akin to 'restless leg syndrome' (Link). I can't keep my shoulders/arms still - the ache becomes so intense I have to move the structures. It aches deep down through the front, top and backs of my shoulders, down through my arms, through my elbows and into my hands. As I sit here, I keep having to stop to move everything around, straighten my arms, shrug and roll my shoulders, stretch my neck and so on. I'll head off for a hot bath later and hope that that will relax the muscle fibres.

I've not done anything new or different. Today's exercises were the usual weekly set, concentrating on the arms and shoulders:
2 x 10 reps 1.5kg bicep curls; 2 x 10 reps 3kg bicep curls; 3 reps 5kg bicep curls.
3 x 10 reps 1.5kg tricep extensions
1 x 10 reps 1.5kg shoulder shrugs
40 standing rows using the red theraband.

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