Wednesday 8 July 2009

Two steps forward....Three steps back

....that's what it feels like at the moment. I'm trying to be really careful to avoid injury but it seems impossible.

Current Injuries:
RHS inner thigh/quad strain and groin strain
LHS groin strain, plus mild inner quad strain
LHS hip stabiliser and glute pain
Both shoulders are problematic. The left is worse than the right but neither is pain-free.
RHS trunk/ab strains which just don't seem to heal. They've been stinging on and off now for 4 months.
LHS pain through the hip (along some muscle/tendon, not sure which!). Actually both hips are suffering at the moment.
Generally, walking is painful.

What should I do? Muscle strains seem to take months to heal rather than weeks (the groin/quad strains happened a month ago). If I rest for 'months' to allow healing, I then risk deconditioning the muscle I've worked hard to recondition!

The injuries, associated pain and fears of 'getting worse' are taking their toll. I'm suffering again from bad anxiety. Been awake since 4 this morning, struggling to control thoughts of desolation, panic and fear. Shed too many tears.

It would be great to have access to ultrasound to speed up muscle repair but I don't suppose the NHS agree....*sigh*

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