Thursday 18 June 2009


One of the limiting factors in rebuilding my body is tiredness. The pool work a couple of weeks ago combined with stresses relating to a big social event have kinda finished me off this week. Half the time I don't know if I'm actually overdoing it or not on the exercise-front. Do I need more rest perhaps ? One article I read offered this interpretation of one type of muscle fatigue: ".....I call it body shock. The body is a holistic unit and hard intense training done for long time periods has a cumulative effect. After a while a uniform sense of overall fatigue is experienced manifested by an overwhelming sensation of tiredness. This tiredness envelops the whole body. When in the throes of body shock it seems as if you are moving through water. In my experience this type of fatigue is a direct result of an accumulation of intense workouts." (Link)

At the moment, I seem to be experiencing extreme tiredness. A few times this week, including today, I've given in to the overwhelming need to sleep in the afternoon. Went to bed for an hour. Yesterday, I'd made myself stay awake through the afternoon but it was a struggle and clearly didn't help.

It's very hard to know if my body is needing recovery time and thus less muscular strain or if I should actually persevere and ignore the intense tiredness. Tuesday, I took the 'ignore' route and did 15 mins on the exercise bike combined with hip and shoulder physio exercises. The bike work felt fantastic and I was chuffed to bits to manage it. However, I was soon overcome by overwhelming tiredness and slept in the afternoon?!

I'm skipping the pool work again this week. Hoping that the break will reduce the tiredness.....we'll see.

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