Wednesday 15 July 2009

Anxiety & Different Pool

Not been doing so well over the past few weeks. Anxiety levels have been sky high and I've been perpetually struggling to hold back the tears. I saw my GP this week (tears streaming down my cheeks!) to try to get a little more support with the deconditioning rehab: perhaps access to physiotherapy for ongoing injury assessment/ultrasound treatment and so on. However that isn't really available. I did, however, get another referral for physiotherapy plus an ultrasound scan for my left shoulder. It's better than nothing.

I've realised that "problems without solutions" are the most depressing and anxiety inducing thing to us. Anything which causes a sense of 'helplessness' and 'trapped-ness' is triggering. Thankfully, I think I've found a solution to the problem of how to keep up with the hydrotherapy. I've discovered a specialist swimming pool in the area which maintains the water at a temperature of between 30-32deg. I tried it out today and it's better than my local pool. The 32 mile round trip and 2.5x greater entrance fee are worth it! I was very anxious before leaving the house (exam level anxiety) and even as I drove there, but once I got into the water and focused on the exercises I must have relaxed. I came out of the pool feeling calmer than I have in weeks. I'd forgotten how wonderful it feels when anxiety levels drop and you can breathe easily and your mind stops obsessing about anything and everything. Bliss.

Feeling very tired this afternoon and all the strains are achy, especially my shoulders. I'm looking forward to sleep tonight!

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