Wednesday 22 July 2009

Pressing On

....just got back from my second session at the specialist swimming pool. I wasn't feeling too good this morning - lots of aches and pains and didn't sleep well - but I honestly didn't know which would bring the most benefit: rest or workout?! I opted for workout because at least when I'm doing that I feel like something constructive is happening.

My main concern at the moment (apart from my left shoulder!) is my left hip or, more specifically, the connections at the top of my left leg, from my groin round to the outside of the hip joint (oh! for a degree in anatomy!). Anyway, something very painful is going on and I can't rotate and flex the leg at the same time without causing excruciating pain. I'm hoping it's just a 'sore muscle/tendon' and it'll settle down, rather than any kind of tear/strain.

I was really glad to discover today that there is a bar running along the side of the pool so that I can hook my feet under it and do the 'leg press/leg curl' and 'side slide' (working the abdominal obliques) exercises. I came out of the pool feeling like I had really worked my legs today. Here's hoping I don't discover a whole host of new strains later!

I've improvised some hydro shoulder exercises (from here: Link) and I think they're helping to keep the joint mobile. Essentially, keeping my arms just under the water so as to keep the weight as low as possible, I'm doing the arm circles (arms straight out in front, circling arms clockwise/anti-clockwise, 10 reps); then front raises, 20 reps; lateral raises, 20 reps. I'll increase the reps as able up to the 50 reps used on all other exercises.

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