Monday 29 July 2013

Hearing Test Results Update (False Alarm!)

Ok, so I've had the weekend to digest the news that I may need hearing aids....

I went into Boots this afternoon to get a copy of my hearing test results to take to my GP in a couple of weeks. Back home, I hit Google and spent a bit of time working out exactly what the results mean. To say I was shocked is an understatement. As far as I can tell, my hearing is actually fine, it's just that the left ear is badly blocked. From everything I've read, if the bone conduction tests are normal (which mine are) but the air-conduction tests show a loss then the problem is not the critical sensory organs of the ear but a simple case of sound waves not getting through to those organs. Plain as day! I cannot believe the audiologist didn't tell me this?! I even asked him out right if the loss could be caused by a blockage that would eventually clear. He said no. Crazy! Surely he must have known I'd check with my GP at least before ordering expensive hearing aids?!

Anyway, it seems the 3 days of getting my head around all this were unnecessary. I just need to get to my GP to get my ear unblocked. Simple as that. I'll wait until after my holiday - who knows, it might unblock itself over the next 10 days or so. Thank goodness for Google is all I can say!

Friday 26 July 2013

Pilates, Swim and Hearing Test

A quick update on this week's rehab. Generally, I've not felt quite so full of beans this week, probably due to hormones. Plus, the distorted, unpleasant hearing problems have persisted. However, I did enjoy a good swim at the pool on Tuesday. Swam 60 lengths (1500 metres, just short of the 1 mile mark). It felt good and I didn't really have any big muscle cramps. Just a few minor right foot cramps which I was able to manage.

Then, on Wednesday, I went for my first ever introduction to Pilates (1hr). It was a good experience and I think it's going to challenge me where I need to be challenged. 

Thursday was a fairly quiet day and then I was back at the gym this morning. I was feeling quite weak and feeble today but basically did the same gym set as last week.

This afternoon, I went for a hearing test. I decided last week that I needed to know a bit more about Meniere's and get an idea of how my hearing was being affected. I just wanted to understand what was happening a bit better, really.

Firstly, the audiologist was very surprised that my GP hadn't sent me to a specialist. Secondly, I found out that there is medication you can take at the start of a vertigo attack which prevents any further symptoms developing. This latter point is really important because every Meniere's attack results in some damage to the hearing structures. If you can limit the attacks, you prevent the damage.

Finally, I had the hearing test. It seems I have a fairly significant low frequency loss in my left ear and also a minor loss in my right ear. The loss, and imbalance in the loss, is what's causing the hypersensitivity to particular high frequency sounds and also making noisy environments extremely difficult to be in. The audiologist recommended that I should at least have a hearing aid for my left ear and ideally have a pair so that the ears can be properly balanced.

I have to say that hearing aids hadn't even occurred to me. I think I was still thinking that my hearing would recover. I said as much to the audiologist.... Unfortunately, apparently this is what happens with Meniere's - deterioration in hearing with each attack, which is why managing it is so important.'m a bit in shock really. I am also still hoping that, given another couple of weeks, my hearing might recover. We'll see. I have a holiday planned for the first week in August so I shall take action when I get back from that. Either my hearing will have improved and I'll be able to live with it. Or, hearing aids will be my next step (now that's not something I thought I'd be saying before I reached the age of 40!).

...I am a bit angry that my GP didn't suggest a referral to a specialist, especially as managing this condition is key to preventing permanent hearing losses.

....feeling pretty tired this evening, trying to take it all in.

Friday 19 July 2013

Ménière's Diagnosis, Good Walks & The Usual

The inner ear problems persist (now 3 weeks). It's still my hearing which is worst affected and predominantly on the left side. Sound is distorted, tinny and resonating, with a loss of low frequency hearing, and background ringing (tinnitus). The right ear seems only mildly affected. I decided to visit the GP this week and she confirmed that it's probably Ménière's Disease (Link)That seems to be just a fancy way of saying recurring inner ear problems with no known cause or cure. Anyway, I'll give it another 2 weeks and if my hearing hasn't improved, I'll head to Boots and get a hearing test done.

I am thoroughly enjoying this hot, sunny weather (although the muggy nights aren't so pleasant). I got out for a couple of really nice walks over the weekend, making the most of the mornings and then taking refuge inside through the hottest part of the day. I'd be out/walking for about a couple of hours, the only issue really being my right hip. That hurt for the majority of the walk (getting worse the longer I went on).

Tuesday, I did my usual swim. 54 lengths (1350km). I would have gone on but got sudden, rigid cramp in my left foot on length 55 and that put a stop to everything. Generally, it didn't feel like an easy swim. I couldn't seem to get into a rhythm and felt hassled by another swimmer intent on ignoring everyone else's needs. I have been trying to introduce front crawl and, this week, every 10th length was front crawl, breathing to the left (can't breath to the right because I don't have the range of motion necessary in my left shoulder).

My energy levels felt good after the swim, on Wednesday and Thursday. Back at the gym today. I've decided to stop the running again. It doesn't do my right hip any good - I've been taking painkillers more regularly at night for essentially right pudendal nerve pain since reintroducing it.

Today's Gym Set:
  • 15 mins exercise bike (difficulty level 7 (10 mins), level 8 (5 mins))
  • Hip/lower back stretches
  • Glute bridges (10 secs hold) 3 reps then quad stretches
  • Glute bridges 10kg dumbbell across hips 10 reps, 10 sec hold. 
  • Single leg glute bridges 10 reps, 5 secs hold
  • Press ups-plus (at 45 deg angle) 2 x 10 reps. 
  • Press-ups on floor (knees on floor) 2 x 10 reps
  • Right Hip adduction and extension using cable weights 6kg 12 reps, 8kg 10 reps.
  • Seated rows 8 kg 12 reps, 10 kg 10 reps (continuing gentle re-introduction after right ab strain). Vertical flies 4kg 2 x 10 reps.
  • Chest fly with cable weights 4kg 2 x 10 reps.
  • Trunk twist using cable weights 3.7kg 10 reps, 5.4kg 10 reps (gentle re-intro after right ab strain)
  • Rope pulsing 4 sets to exhaustion.
  • Basket ball exercise (throwing a weight ball at a target from standing position) 5kg 3 x 15 reps, 2 x 20 reps; 6kg 2 x 15 reps (increased weight as it felt easier and seems to be helping upper body strength).
  • Overhead basket ball exercise (throwing a weight ball, from above my head, at a target) 3kg 3x10 reps 
  • Wobble board rotation right/left (re-introduced for inner ear rehab).
This afternoon, I have the usual right butt (pudendal nerve) discomfort and feel a little tired. Hormones are kicking in again too - bad stomach cramps today.

Friday 12 July 2013

Ears, 1 Mile Swim & 2km Run/Walk

My inner ear condition is still just as bad. The worst area affected is my hearing, especially in my left ear. Noises sound tinny, out of tune and as though the notes have separated, often causing a ringing sensation. At times, people speaking sound as though they are communicating through a snorkel, producing a burbling, distorted hearing experience. Overall, my hearing is hypersensitive but with the sensation of blocked ears. Nerves in my ears feel raw - any sound has the same sensation as someone scraping fingernails down a blackboard. Basically, the only time it doesn't feel like my nerves are being shredded is when there's silence.

Since Tuesday, I've had brief episodes of mild vertigo but nothing too incapacitating.

So, 2 weeks of this so far. I've made an appointment with the docs for next Tuesday although I doubt there's anything anyone can do. Still, it's worth letting them know this is the 4th recurrence in 2.5 years.

I had a good swim on Tuesday. The pool was pretty empty which always helps. I pushed through to do 64 lengths (1 mile) in just under an hour, which is only the second time I've managed to swim that far. The last 10 lengths were hard going and I was managing various cramping muscles, a sore right wrist and sore right ankle. Afterwards, I felt the most relaxed and relieved I've felt in a couple of weeks. Swimming really does help to reduce my general anxiety levels.

Wednesday and Thursday were quiet days. I think the symptoms of the inner ear condition are quite tiring to my brain so I've been sleeping pretty well this week without needing to do too much during the day. In fact, yesterday, I really just wanted to sit still, inside, without any TV/noise and just let my ears/head rest.

Today, I was back at the gym. I wanted to have another go at the 2km run/walk to see how my right hip is doing. I really enjoy the chance to run but the hip isn't any better. After just 1 minute of running, the leg goes pretty numb and coordinating my right ankle/foot feels awkward. My hip is obviously banging against a nerve somewhere and the biomechanics aren't quite right. I had some pain in the right butt and right upper/inner thigh, inner knee and outer ankle.

The rest of today's gym set:

  • 10 mins exercise bike (difficulty level 7 - legs felt tired so reduced level from 8 to 7)
  • Hip/lower back stretches
  • Glute bridges (10 secs hold) 3 reps then quad stretches
  • Glute bridges 10kg dumbbell across hips 10 reps, 10 sec hold. 
  • Single leg glute bridges 10 reps, 5 secs hold
  • Press ups-plus (at 45 deg angle) 2 x 10 reps. 
  • Press-ups on floor (knees on floor) 2 x 10 reps
  • Right Hip adduction and extension using cable weights 6kg 12 reps, 8kg 10 reps.
  • Seated rows 8 kg 10 reps (gentle re-introduction after right ab strain). Vertical flies 4kg 2 x 10 reps.
  • 2km run/walk treadmill (walk 90 secs, 6.5 km/hr; run 2min, 9.5 km/hr) in 14:30 mins 
  • Chest fly with cable weights 4kg 2 x 10 reps.
  • Trunk twist using cable weights 5.4kg 10 reps (gentle re-intro after right ab strain)
  • Rope pulsing 4 sets to exhaustion.
  • Basket ball exercise (throwing a weight ball at a target from standing position) 5kg 4 x 15 reps
  • Overhead basket ball exercise (throwing a weight ball, from above my head, at a target) 3kg 3x10 reps 
  • Combo lateral/front shoulder raises whilst sitting on exercise ball 3kg 10 reps
Overall, I was trying to avoid causing any lower back or abdominal strains. I just wanted a "clean" session.

I am now looking into starting Pilates. From what I understand, the body is basically made up of long and short muscles. The long muscles (like biceps, quads etc) are involved in movement, whilst the short muscles (like those found within the core, around the spine, through the hip joints etc) are involved in stabilisation. During the first 6 months of my rehab, all of my daily physiotherapy exercises were based around Pilates and addressed small muscle weakness. However, given that I keep re-injuring muscles in my abdomen and lower back and that my hip still isn't right, I am thinking I need to revisit the small muscle strengthening. 

I've now been doing my weekly gym session for 2.5 years so I may drop that for 6 months or so in favour of a Pilates class. I'll see....

Sunday 7 July 2013

Andy Triumphs!

I've been an Andy Murray fan from the very beginning. I've followed his gruelling hard work and determination over the years. I've seen his ups and downs in the press and hoped that one day he would show everyone exactly what he's made of. Last year, he blew me away with the Olympics' win and then, today, from the very start of the match, you could see he wasn't going to let this one slip away. He was there to win it. He was there to end the 77 year wait! And, boy, did he do it in style! His serve has been extremely impressive this tournament and he balanced aggression and patience perfectly. How on earth he runs down every last ball and, time and time again, manages to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat is beyond me. What strength and focus. Hats off to you Andy. You deserved this win and, if a British man can win Wimbledon, who knows what's possible in this life....! A real inspiration. Thanks for putting your heart and soul into it, Andy. Loved every minute.

[photo from dailymail online here]

Saturday 6 July 2013

Ab, Ears and Hip & C'mon Andy!

The right abdominal strain is still niggling away so I have tried to reduce the stress on it. Tuesday 25th June, I only did 40 lengths (1km) in the pool and then, last week, I missed it all together. Friday 28th June, was a modified gym session. I thought I'd test out my right hip with a run/walk on the treadmill. I did 2km in 15:45 mins. Unfortunately, no significant improvement in the hip and I took painkillers before sleep for it.

I woke up on Saturday morning, a week ago, with very blocked ears and hypersensitive hearing. Thankfully, no real vertigo symptoms this time (yet). So, I guess it's another inner ear infection/issue. Symptoms are still ongoing and worsened yesterday. I don't feel 'ill', it's just very unpleasant and makes talking and being exposed to any noise rather 'painful'. It feels like the nerves in my ears are raw so the sensation is a bit like hearing fingernails being scraped down a blackboard. The last episode of this was 8 months ago (Here) and if it hasn't resolved by the end of next week, I'll make an appointment with the docs (although I don't think there's anything they can do).

Yesterday, I did a reduced gym session as I needed to get home for a delivery: 
  • 10 mins exercise bike (difficulty level 7 - legs felt tired so reduced level from 8 to 7)
  • Hip/lower back stretches
  • Glute bridges (10 secs hold) 3 reps then quad stretches
  • Glute bridges 10kg dumbbell across hips 10 reps, 10 sec hold. 
  • Press ups-plus (at 45 deg angle) 2 x 10 reps. 
  • Press-ups on floor (knees on floor) 3 x 10 reps
  • Right Hip adduction and extension using cable weights 6kg 12 reps, 8kg 10 reps.
  • Run/Walk treadmill 1.5km in 10:30 mins. Run 2min, Walk 1+ mins
  • Basket ball exercise (throwing a weight ball at a target from standing) 5kg 3 x 15 reps
  • Overhead basket ball exercise (throwing a weight ball, from above my head, at a target) 3kg 2x10 reps.
My right leg/ankle didn't tolerate the running very well, it seemed to go pretty numb. Right butt soreness developed by evening and is still there today, although I didn't take painkillers last night.

Finally, I can't leave without mentioning Andy Murray. What a superb semi he played and I am looking forward to the battle tomorrow. I suspect it'll be decided on one or two points and I just hope it goes Andy's way. After the years of hard work and dedication, he deserves it....C'mon Andy!

P.S. 15:45 So pleased that Marion Bartoli won the ladies' Wimbledon title. I think she's fab and was cheering her all the way! Nice one Marion.